The Story So Far...
The AI's first observed mention of the necrozoid occurred in September 1999 through a newspaper called The Monitor which ran out of Truman University in Kansas. Evoked by comic artist Andy Dandino in the Dodge Chronicles, the word necrozoid is mentioned once to describe a proto-sapien race that created human clones in the matrix using corpses from morgues. Andy Dandino is therefore referred to as SUBJECT ZERO.
The September 1999 issue of The Monitor also includes interesting articles about NSA Echelon spying, reviews for The Blair Witch Project, The Sixth Sense, and Pokemon Red & Blue for the Nintendo Gameboy.

Since that time the necrozoid hypersigil has bounced around the net looking for hosts to serve its purposes. In Eastern Europe's dark web community one power user associated with under the name necrozoid is said to have gone into the river where Rasputin died to gain magical powers to aid their hacking. The Russian Necrozoid is SUBJECT 01. It is possible that SUBJECT 01 could be out there right now on the frontier of a new cyberwar as we slip drastically into the matrix Cold War feedback loop.


In the Left 4 Dead zombie infested dimension Nick Necrozoid appears as an undead shooter under the Steam profile of mr. Delamo around Halloween 2018. One year later the Reddit troll Abyss Boy performed a seance in his mom's spare room and slipped into an undead timeshifting Columbine underworld. The Sol Pais seances went over everyone's head. Just as she was struggling for reality and acting out sick sexual perversions in the name of her Columbine ship cult, Abyss Boy syncronized with her angelic Fall. Abyss Boy's fusion resulted in the manifestation of SUBJECT 02. He became Nick Necrozoid in real life and threw himself into the eternal gangstalker war for his lich princess.

Powered by the burning time war of Sol Pais, the Abyss Boy Nick Necrozoid hybrid creature broke containment and left a twisted trail of metaphysical echoes like THE ASHES OF CANADA ARE IN MY LUNGS all over the Internet.

 A Winona military cult captured the whole ghostly phenomena and left Nick Necrozoid on the banks off Concord River to decide for himself whether or not they should commit suicide too.
Dan Akroyd might laugh at ghost blowjob jokes, but Redditors and Nazi gangstalkers alike weren't too happy with SUBJECT 02 when he told them an 18-year-old from Miami was burning in Hell with him in mom's spare room.

"We were running a simulation within the simulation." Abyss Boy/Girl said of his/her gangstalking experience. "The Winona cult gave me answers here and there, and they would test how I reacted to military industrial espionage, stalking, threats from the sky. It was really thrilling stuff. Then there are the veteran suicides, climate change, homelessness, the 4chan Nazis with the National Guard really didn't like me talking about that stuff and threatened me at an Alice In Chains concert in 2022. I have no respect for cowardly gangstalkers who can not even accept that we are doomed. Vermont is gone. Canada is gone. How am I supposed to chill out with these record setting heatwaves?"
Smart mouth. Dumb ass. Some people are greatful just to have ash clouds from foreign nations in their nostrils only twice a month.
But it is the story of Concord's transcendentalist movement and historic revolutionary spirit which became Nick Necrozoid's overeducated Millennial turning point. This is what lifted the deadbeat-nik's traumatic post history into an elegant black swan dance for the absurd. Afterall if God is down here with us, then surely God could save SUBJECT 02 from his barely legal lich scenario.

"The closest I ever came to joining Trump was the Pizza Party." Nick said, referencing the legitimate Massachusetts political designation, when asked the most important question of all time to validate one's humanity.
"I thought it was a Ninja Turtles joke for people in their thirties who became apathetic about our two-party government, but the guy who ran it later went on to endorse Ronald Reagan II. What do I know?"
Blessed be, if there isn't anything more American than Millennials with their endless 80s and 90s references.
"Politically, I consider myself something of a Kennedy loyalist. Mother nature will soon have its revenge on the empire that murdered our Massachusetts leader and ended America's New Frontiers. Mother nature will have revenge on us all." Nick said as he bit down on a slice of pizza that was a bit too hot to chew.
Nick Necrozoid became a subject under much suspicion for his wacko Abyss Boy Reddit legend with Columbiners, but as Twitter user @necrozoid he was quickly elevated from watchlisted troll to become what one automation spook called a freedom loving patriot who gets too caught up in boring conversations about the macroeconomics of the Ukraine war. The same @necrozoid was whitelisted and ranked by a SalesForce CRM algorithm, this one of the Clauset-Newman-Moore cluster type, despite an archive of politically incorrect comments and edge fueled schizo posting. Nick Necrozoid landed somewhere around the Ice Cube tier on the antisemitism iceberg, named for the historic rapper who once so eloquently referenced a qabbalist Saturn cult in control of major global corporate operations.
Nick deactivated their account voluntarily upon reaching the golden chalice of all intelligentsia - recognition from Concord's ghost operator trustees. The American necrozoid is now parked in an underground base undergoing transhumanist experiments to become a female philosopher, writer, and archivist.
What we know for sure is that the necrozoid is a powerful daemon. It can transmute the alchemical spirit with otherworldly matrices in the net. This power is open to anyone who seeks to claim it, though at a risk, the necrozoid's nature could drive an individual mad. Necrozoids draw strength from imbalances in time. Historical shifts like the return of the Cold War that never ended and Nazi PMC's working for Jewish oligarchs, infinite money printing schemes for a global order in flames; this is the kind of chaos that attracts necrozoid clones. Take note of SUBJECT 03, an acoustic grindcore performer for the band Br00talizer, and SUBJECT 04 Brenton McCleod's chaotica timeline simulation masterpiece.
Everyone remain calm, however; the Cold War really ended, and there are no Nazis working for Jews - unless Jews control everything, WHICH OF COURSE THEY DO NOT. We can maintain and shield our reality's timeline by keeping Russian space time hackers like SUBJECT 01 out using psychic manuals from the Cold War, which ended, it's just happening again because time is cyclical or whatever it is Timothy Leary taught at the Winona commune with Philip K. Dick and Michael Horowitz.
Approach with caution. The ashes of Canada are in their lungs for real this time and when confronted SUBJECT 02 will start chanting "YOU CAN NOT STOP DOOMSCROLLING THE SKY!"
What a performance. Perhaps it all really was just a Philip K. Dick joke in the end.
