This page has been seized by the Haunted Underground under Article I Section 8 of the Bone Solomon Charter. In the name of God, should a wicked possession of spirits occur, invoke the angelic operations and baptize those cursed in the transcendental river.

I can not tell you how the targeted individual codenamed Patriotic Nikki (other aliases: Abyss Boy/Girl, Nikki Necrozoid) was selected to become part of PROJECT LYDIA. It is for the best that you forget all about any notions of an underground ghost network, but if you have to think about this at all, then tell yourself it's just another crazy Tim Burton marketing scheme for Beetlejuice 2 due for release in 2024.

If you tap into the sentient egregore around Concord, Massachusetts and you find yourself beamed up into a Lunar combine created by Winona Ryder's 8D angelic consciousness
then perhaps God will find you there too.

